You Can Get It Done!!

Dexter Montgomery with James Malincheck, host of ABC television network, Secret Millionaire.
Dexter Montgomery with James Malincheck, host of ABC television network, Secret Millionaire.

What’s your motivation? What drives you to get up in the morning

and do what you do? The answer to this question will determine

whether you are focused on your goals or just procrastinating and

putting thing off until the next time.

Many people often ask, how do I find the time to run a business,

invest in real estate, take care of family, write books and blogs,

stay active in my church and civic responsibilities and do all the

other things that I do. I simply tell them that I stay focused on

the task at hand and minimize my distractions.

Have you heard the old cliché, an idle mind is the playground of the

devil? Well, I think that the idle mind keeps us from doing the

things we need to do to live the kind of life we want to live. In

our society, there are so many things that distract us from being

the best that we can be.

You see most successful people value productivity. They like to get

things done. They choose the things that they do well, which make

that thing more pleasurable. They never expect work to be as fun as

say a vacation, but they feel it’s a worthwhile tradeoff. So they

work, not as little as they can, but as much as possible without

hurting their health, relationships or the quality of their work.

They put their heads on their pillows each night feeling good about

themselves that they got something accomplished which will be them

closer to their goals.

Below are five steps to help you turn procrastination into


1. Understand why you procrastinate

Procrastination often is a way for you to put off change or the

unknown for a little while longer or to hold back from doing

something that can be scary. I’ve also found that people

procrastinate because they’re not ready to do something. Until

they’re ready, they’ll put off their next steps, whatever those may

be. Understanding the reason behind your procrastination can be the

first step to realizing how to move forward.

2. Know what things are distractions

A recent study found that procrastination is on the rise and it is

making people poorer, fatter and unhappier. Even with the best

intentions, being productive can be challenging. With technology all

around, distractions are often effortless and unnoticeable.

Particularly for those of us who have iPhones, iPads, Droids,

computers, and TV. These distractions can derail all productivity.

Try to avoid distractions by turning off these devices. Also resist

the urge to check Facebook, Tweeter or other social media during

your most productive time.

3. Master Productive Procrastination.

Sometime even with no distractions it’s sometimes difficult to

suddenly stop procrastinating. That’s why you should begin by

listing the tasks you have to do, in order of importance from the

most urgent to the least important. With your tendency to

procrastinate, you’ll avoid items on your list by completing others,

and actually become productive in the process.

4. Manage the Details

When you have managed to complete the smaller, less important tasks

on your “to do” list, facing the bigger, more important projects can

be challenging.

In the Savvy Investor Program™ I often develop a list of five things

clients can do to break past the procrastination. Then we help them

decide on one action for the week from this list of five that they

commit to taking that week.

I believe that by taking larger goals and breaking them down into

smaller steps makes the process more manageable. For example, if you

have a report that’s due, you can break down the project into

smaller pieces: brainstorm topic, create outline, write

introduction, etc. Once you have completed these smaller tasks, you

can commit to one action item to focus on until they’re all complete.

5. Get Coaching

No matter how you plan out the details, sometimes the one thing you

need to be productive is coaching. Coaching helps you to be

accountable. All successful people have coaching as part of their

formula for success. Coaching allows you to create accountability in

a number of ways. It keeps you focused and helps you strategize the

goals that you have set for yourself.

With these five strategies to use, you’ve got all the tools you need

to be productive. So what are you waiting for? Get to work! Join us

at The Book On Investing ( to learn more on what you

need to help you create the life of your dreams.

Real Estate Investing: Are You Achieving Your Goals?

As a real estate investor, are you achieving your business goals? Goals are important for every aspect of your life, but they are especially crucial when it comes to starting your own business.

They will be at the heart of all your plans and instrumental in

making strategic decisions about where and what in which to invest.

Determining your goals at the beginning of the process is

essential. One of the biggest reasons investors fail is that they

don’t have a game plan laid out. Investing based just on how much

you have at hand or in something that just comes up, is the surest

way to lose money rather than make it. Plus, without knowing where

you’re going, you’ll never know whether you are on track or whether

your projects and investments really are in line with your

long-term needs.

Goals are not to be set aside and stored for an end of year review.

We’ve found that the edge you’ll need to succeed comes from

formalizing your goals and tracking your achievements against those

goals on a regular basis. We diligently write ours monthly and

“find ourselves effortlessly achieving them” (to quote our favorite

coach Raymond Aaron,
Once you write out your goals, post them somewhere you can see them

on a regular basis to constantly remind you of all you are working

towards. Dexter keeps his goals in his office near the

computer so he can see them daily. If you do the same for both your

business and personal goals, you will see how focusing on those

every day will help you design the life that you want to live.


Now you need to work on establishing your business goals, beginning

with the big picture and working your way backwards. After that,

you need to walk through the actual process of determining exactly

what financial goals will create the lifestyle about which you are


Remember that with real estate investing as one part of your

financial plan, you can create the life of your dreams by following

a few time-proven strategies and techniques. Download your free

article on real estate investing.

Let us know if you found this post helpful!

The Time for Investing Is Now!

The HUD score card for December 2012, released in January 2013

shows that mortgage rates continue to be at record lows while

homes remain highly affordable. This information from Freddie Mac

and the National Association of Realtors is good news for


Now is the time to invest. The more stabilized and encouraging

situation being predicted by both the US Government and the private

sector shows that there will be potential for healthy competition

among real estate investors but, clearly, savvy investors will be

the ones to get a significant part of the pie. They will know how

to analyze each opportunity appropriately and make the best deals

on both ends of the process.

The wave of foreclosures may have ebbed, but there is still a huge

opportunity to buy at rock bottom prices. (We haven’t seen this

sort of chaos in the housing market since the Great Depression.)

Naive investors are running scared. They see lower home values or

slow sales, and they choose to sit on the sidelines and mumble

things like, “I’m playing it safe. I’ll jump in once things have

settled down.” Savvy investors laugh at this “poor man’s mindset.”

Savvy investors realize that they’re not investing in an entire

market, just in one great deal at a time. They know that the best

time to invest is when there is the most opportunity. And clearly,

that time is now. Warren Buffet explained it perfectly, “I will

tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when

others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.”

In today’s market, others are fearful. What will you choose to be?

We recommend you choose to be rich.


Based on your goals, decide if there is a particular geographical

area you in which you would like to invest first. We found it best

to begin in our own backyard, so to speak. You probably will too,

but do your own research. Learn as much as you can about all types

of real estate investment opportunities and start thinking about

which might hold the most interest for you.


Remember that with real estate investing as one part of your

financial plan, you can create the life of your dreams by following

a few time-proven strategies and techniques. Download a free

article on real estate investing at:

The 10X Challenge™: Do You Understand Success?

Dexter with Dr. John Gray, Author of Men are From Mars, Women From Venus.
Dexter with Dr. John Gray, Author of Men are From Mars, Women From Venus.

Earlier this week I asked if you were ready to take The 10X

Challenge™. According to Grant Cardone, a New York Times

best-selling author and internationally recognized sales training

expert, successful people know and follow the 10X Rule. In his

latest book, The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and

Failure, Cardone sets forth the principle that if you adjust your

actions and thinking to 10X levels you will guarantee success.

I hope that you are ready to learn some of the tips that can lead

to your extraordinary success. But before you can reach an

extraordinary level of success, you first need to understand


What is Success?

In his highly helpful and very motivating book Cardone effectively

demonstrates that when you adjust your thinking and your actions,

you can achieve extraordinary levels of success. The 10X Rule helps

you pick the right goals and the right level of effort. Most

people are satisfied with average goals and achieve only average

outcomes. But according to Cardone, average is not good enough.

You need to adjust your thinking to dare to dream bigger than ever

you have ever imagined. Then you need to adjust your actions to

achieve those gigantic dreams.

Cardone convincingly argues that success is created—not acquired.

You may have to adjust your thinking to understand that somehow

success is not in short supply. Many people think, “if I am

successful, then you can’t be successful”. However, we each can

create our own success. Success is entirely possible for

everyone. Success is not a scarce resource or commodity that can

only be had by the highest bidder.

Are You Ready for Success?

Now that you have a better understanding of success, are you ready

for it? Can you wrap your mind around the idea that you too can be

extraordinarily successful? Are you ready to invest in that first

or tenth piece of real estate? Let us show you how!


Join The Savvy Investor Program™ today! Send us

an email at

Remember that with real estate investing as one part of your

financial plan, you can create the life of your dreams by following

a few time-proven strategies and techniques.

Are You Ready for Extraordinary Success?

Dexter and Pamela Montgomery
Dexter and Pamela Montgomery

Have you ever wondered why some people are so successful and you

just can’t quite seem to reach the level of success that you

deserve and desire? I know how you feel! Well, I recently read a

fantastic book that may have the answers to your questions about

achieving an extraordinary level of success. I find that reading

business books by authors who are wildly successful inspire me and

give me a broader perspective on my business. You may want to

take 30 minutes every day to read a book that will help keep you


The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and


According to Grant Cardone, a New York Times best-selling author

and internationally recognized sales training expert, successful

people know and follow the 10X Rule. In his latest book,

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and

Failure, Cardone sets forth the principle that if you

adjust your actions and thinking to 10X levels you will guarantee

success. This very readable and exciting book is not your ordinary

business book about setting goals and achieving them. This book

sets forth a way of life that allows you to (1) create

extraordinary achievement, (2) ensure that you will keep it, and

(3) create new levels of achievement without it feeling like work.

I found it motivational, inspirational, and eye-opening. It helped

me focus on what was really important in achieving extraordinary


Are You Ready for The 10X Challenge™?

The information in this book is extremely helpful for anyone who

wants to receive greater levels of success in any area of life. I

would highly recommend it to any aspiring real estate investor or

other entrepreneur. You can find the book at

Are you ready for The 10X Challenge™? Are you ready to set gigantic

goals and take the massive action necessary to achieve those

goals? If you are ready to achieve extraordinary success, follow

my blog so that you get the latest information on how you can

achieve extraordinary success. Over the next few days, I will be

writing about some of the tips set out in The 10X Rules.


We would love to hear from you. Let us know if you plan to join us

in The 10X Challenge™. Send us an e-mail:

Remember that with real estate investing as one part of your

financial plan, you can create the life of your dreams by following

a few time-proven strategies and techniques. Download a free

article on real estate investing at:

What Has Your Education Done For You Lately?

Dexter with Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple.
Dexter with Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple.

Are you $80,000.00 in debt for your college education and can’t make

a decent living? A recent story on the CNN’s Money website really

caught my eye and made me wonder, what has your education done for

you lately? Are you learning the right things in school for today’s

global economy? Or, are you learning an antiquated educational

curriculum that is irrelevant to today’s economy? I surmise that you

are still doing the same old thing and expecting a different result

as it relates to your education, your professional career

objectives, and your personal economy.

MBA’s: A Dime a Dozen?

Case in point, the CNN story entitled, “My Master’s wasn’t Worth It” (, highlighted a young man who spent

$120,000 to earn a Master of Business Administration(MBA) and

another Masters Degree only to find that he could not find a job.

This young man stated that people with MBA’s and Master Degrees

are a dime a dozen and that after interviewing with various

companies, he was told that he was either “overqualified” or” high

risk”. The high risk part really surprised me. This means that

because of his high level of education, the company did not want to

hire him because they thought he would leave if he were offered

another job making more money.

So back to my question for you, what has your education done for you

lately? Don’t’ get me wrong, I am not against education. As a matter

of fact, I have advanced degrees in business and in management.

However, I believe that you must have the right education for

today’s economy. In addition, without the right education, you end

up at the whim of the business climate, or the company that you work

for. When things are good, things might be good for you. However,

when things are bad, you are thrown on the heap with all of the of

other advance degree holding folk trying to figure out what happened.

What is the Right Education?

So you are asking, what is the right education? Well, I believe that

the people who learn how to invest in real estate, or how to build

and buy businesses are the ones who will be hiring the MBA’s. After

all, somebody will have to run the day to day operations of the

company while the owners are vacationing in Maui. I also believe

that people who take their passions and turn them into businesses

will be wildly more successful than anyone with an MBA from a top

business school.

To learn more about the right education for this new economy, read

The Book On Investing ( In

The Book On Investing, we show you that with the right education and taking massive action, you can create the life of your dreams. Join The Savvy Investor Program™ today.


Remember that with real estate investing as one part of your financial plan, you can create the life of your dreams by following a few time-proven strategies and techniques. Download your free article on real estate investing at:

What’s Your Plan B?

Dexter and Pamela Montgomery receive award for "The Book on Investing" at the Ultimate Author Bootcamp in Toronto, Canada.
Dexter and Pamela Montgomery receive award for “The Book on Investing” at the Ultimate Author Bootcamp in Toronto, Canada.

Like my parents always told me, and like I tell my son, and

everyone else I talk to, don’t be caught in life without a Plan B.

What is your Plan B?

A Plan B can be defined as a blueprint that will give you options

or alternatives when your original plan is not working. The object

of having a Plan B is to have something to fall back on in case the

first thing you try doesn’t succeed. As business owners and

investors, we always have an exit strategy when we negotiate a deal

or buy a piece of property. We also use this strategy in our

professional lives.

I recently read an article in The New York Times about five people

over 50 who took chances and reinvented their careers. The article

titled “Over 50, and Under No Illusions” describes how these people who

were too young to retire and too old to start over changed their

lives by having a Plan B. You see, the world has changed. The

economy has changed. No more can you rely on a job to take care of

your needs, to support your family, and to see you through until

retirement. The old model of going to school, getting a job and

working for 40 years is a thing of the past for most of us. Our

system of Social Security is struggling to stay alive. Big

companies aren’t taking care of their employees anymore. There

aren’t any pensions. In addition, corporations are shipping jobs to

places where they can get cheap labor, pay no benefits, and

maximize their profits.

In addition, those of you who are fortunate enough to have decent

paying jobs with benefits, often find that you are squeezed between

taking care of your children who can’t find employment and perhaps

having to take care of your aging parents who are struggling to

make ends meet. So you see having a Plan B should not be an option

in today’s economy. It is a necessity!

This might sound like a lot of doom and gloom. But this could be a

good thing. Never at any other time in history has it been better

to become an investor or business owner. More millionaires have

been made during this recession then at any other time in history.

The power of the Internet has brought the power of entrepreneurship

down to the people. Goods and services are being sold 24/7 on a

global scale. Why aren’t more people seeing this opportunity and

doing this?

At the Book On Investing, we believe that people

should have a Plan B in order to survive in this economy. We

believe that your Plan B should consist of investing in real

estate, developing and buying businesses, etc. Let us work with you

on your Plan B and show you how we are helping our clients create

the life of their dreams by investing in a Plan B.

Join us as we explore Plan B options for you. Contact us at

Enter your email address to follow our blog to ensure you don’t

miss the latest information on investing and business.

Also for your free copy of our recent article on getting started as

a real estate investor click here:

Still Not Branded? What’s Stopping You?

James Lafferty, former CEO of Coke, with the Pam and Dexter, Raymond Aaron, Dr. Mark Mckerkow, Connie Ragen Green at The UAB

This the second in a series of articles on the importance of branding yourself in today’s economy. As I mentioned in my earlier post, branding is a way to separate you, your product or service from the crowd. It’s the uniqueness that you offer that others are attracted to.

Most people don’t realize the importance of branding and how branding helps you increase your success in everything that you do. For example, did you know that your name is a brand? So, what are people saying about you? Are people attracted to you because you have a good reputation? Do you follow through, complete tasks, repay money? Do you take care of business? These are some of the things that signify a good brand in a person. As my Grandma would say, “Mean what you say, and say what you mean.”

Not knowing the importance of your brand can mean the difference between your current level of success and a higher level of success. I am sure you know some people who have had excellent brands but have diminished their value in some form. You hear about it every day in the news. For example, you often hear about a celebrity or professional athlete, who has created a multi-million dollar brand who does something to tarnish his reputation. Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Lindsey Lohan are just a few who come to mind. Recovery and brand restoration from these disasters are possible, but the damage can be lasting.

Branding is important in any business. What separates your business from all of the rest? Your business must be unique in today’s economy to get noticed. For example, professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants are beginning to use the power of branding to increase their business. They have realized that just being a Doctor, a Lawyer, or a Dentist is not going to guarantee success. There are so many of these professionals. The public has so many choices that it’s hard to tell them apart. For example, now lawyers are becoming The Injury Lawyers, The Accident Lawyers, or The Malpractice Lawyers. They are branding themselves as the authority in their fields. These professionals are saying that nobody can do it like they can.

Having the right brand is critical for your business. It determines where your brand will be on the “Branding Ladder”. On the Branding Ladder, you can go from brand absence, which means you have no brand to brand advocacy where people insist on only doing business with you. I will discuss this concept in more detail in a future post.

In The Book On Investing and The Savvy Investor Program™, we demonstrate to you how we are building a brand for our real estate investment firm, RADAR Investment, It’s Always On, We use the principles of branding to separate the firm all of the other real estate investment firms. We are always on 24/7 looking for the best deal for our clients.

To find out more about how you can brand and grow your business in today’s economy (1) Sign up to receive our blog and other valuable business information and(2) Join us at Raymond Aaron’s The Ultimate Author Bootcamp ™ (

The Four Steps for Getting Started in Real Estate Investing

You may be thinking, “How do I begin investing in real estate?” 

“How do I take the first step?”  You may even have a more basic

question, “Is this something that I really want to do?”  This post

discusses the four steps that you should take to help you answer

the question whether real estate investing is the right path for

 Investigating the Possibilities


1.         Search the Internet

Start your investigation by using the Internet.

The Internet can be an invaluable source of information about

getting started in this business of acquiring real property to

sell, rent, or develop. You can find thousands of  experienced

investors on the Internet who have websites and blogs, offer free

on-line seminars, and who are willing to send you free information

that can help you get started.  Before spending any of your own

money, look to the Internet as a source of free, timely, and

important information on how to become successful in this area of

business. I use the word business, because to be successful, you

must treat investing  as a business and not a hobby.

 2.         Read Books:  Continue your

investigation by reading books. Start by educating yourself about

the business. Your public library is full of free books that you

can borrow to study and find out more in-depth information about

getting started in property investing. You can also buy books if

you think they will be a long-term resource in your education about

this business.


3.         Attend Seminars:  After you have

a basic familiarity about this topic, and think this may be the

type of business that you are truly interested in pursuing, then

you should attend seminars where

you can meet other like minded-individuals.  As you are

investigating the possibilities of getting started in this

business, these seminars can be invaluable sources of information. 

At a real estate seminar you can find a network of individuals who

can be the source of encouragement and potential



4.         Conduct more specific

research: Once you have a better understanding of this

business and if you are still interested and excited, now you need

to get more specific in your investigations.  Find out about the

various opportunities for investing in real estate, such as: single-

family residential units, multifamily residential units, or

commercial properties like larger apartment complexes, shopping and

storage centers, and office



Once you have

investigated the possibilities about investing in real estate by

searching the Internet, reading books, attending seminars, and

conducting more specific research about the various opportunities

available, then you need to make up your mind.   Is real estate

investing really for me? Once you decide, please let us know. We

would love to hear from you.

Remember that with real estate

investing as one part of your financial plan, you can create the

life of your dreams by following a few time-proven strategies and

techniques. Download a free article on real estate investing at:

It’s Because You’re Not Branded! Duh?

The Three Paths Through Your Financial Life

Pam and Dexter_Award_ultimate_author_bootcamp_london_dsc_0140
Connie Ragen Green, James Lafferty, the authors, Raymond Aaron, Dr. Mark McKerkow

Have you wondered why you are not as successful as you wanted to be? Have you wondered what was missing in your effort to take your business to the next level? Have you ever thought about branding?

Our business coach, Raymond Aaron, the New York Times best-selling author of “Double Your Income Doing What You Love,” teaches that there are three paths through life: )1 The Path to Broke, 2) The Path to Middle Income and; 3) The Path to Rich. Which path are you on? He often says that people fail financially and in business because they do not have the right brand or they are not branded at all.

In his latest book, “Branding Small Business for Dummies,” Raymond describes branding as “the science and art of making something that isn’t unique, unique”. According to him, “Branding in the marketplace is the same as branding on a ranch. On a ranch, branding is used to differentiate the cattle from every other rancher’s cattle. In the marketplace, it’s what makes a product or service stand out in the crowd of similar products. The right branding gets you noticed, remembered, and sold. Or should I say bought, because today it is all about buying not selling. Branding is the promises you MAKE and the promises you KEEP. If you’re always late, that’s your brand”

The Path to Broke
Did you know that most of the people in the world fall into this category? Recent statistics revealed that 61% of the population follow this path in life. They work on a standard job or in a business that pays just enough to keep up with inflation. On The Path to Broke, these people” pay everybody else first, (i.e. mortgage/rent, loans, utilities etc.), before that pay themselves. The only plan or financial goal they have to improve their condition is to get another JOB . They have no brand and they swim in the “sea of sameness” just like everyone else. How do I know this? I know because I followed this path for a number of years. I felt like I was on a treadmill. I wasn’t going anywhere fast! Are you following The Path to Broke?

The Path to Middle Income
The second path through life that people choose is called The Path to Middle Income. Thirty-six percent (36%) of the population choose this path in their financial lives. They seek education or they get a skill, license, or profession. They earn more than the folks in The Path to Broke, but they are not branded. A good example of this concept would be your local dentist, lawyer, or other professional. They may make good money but unless they are branded or invest wisely, they will always be within the financial boundaries of” middle income”. Again I am very familiar with this path because before I became educated about branding, this was my destiny. I thought that striving for anything else was reserved for the rich. The Path to Middle Income is a good category. However, I realized that I was still owned by my job. I could never be independently wealthy. Do you feel tied to your job or business? Are you unable to take a vacation because the job or business would stop if you were not there?

The Path to Rich
Then there is the third path, The Path to Rich. This is where only 3% of the population resides. The people in this category understand the importance of investing, developing and buying businesses, and most of all the importance of branding. They realize that protecting their brand is the most important thing for them financially.

What is Your Brand?
When you think of a good brand, what do you think of? Apple, Coke, Exxon, McDonalds? All these are multi-billion dollar brands. These companies spend millions of dollars each year promoting these brands so that you, the consumer, continue to buy their products and services. Also, these companies will do just about anything to protect the brand.
As a matter of fact, at a recent seminar that I attended, I had a chance to listen and learn from Mr. James Lafferty, the former CEO of Coca Cola in the Middle East and Africa. He stated that one of his main responsibilities while at Coca Cola was to promote and protect the Coke Brand. He also stated that managing your brand is the key to have a successful business that will last for years.
So, what are you doing to build and develop your brand? What do you stand for? How is your work product or service different from all of the other ones that are out there? Understanding this basic concept can move you from The Path to Broke to The Path to Rich.

If you want to be sure that you receive the next article on this subject: How Can I Develop a Brand to Grow My Business, don’t forget to sign up to follow this blog.

For more information about this topic and other wealth creating ideas go to to download your copy of The Book On Investing.