The Blizzard of 2016: A Valuable Lesson About Delegating

Are You Overwhelmed? Or Will You Delegate?
Overwhelmed? Or Will You Delegate?


Have You Learned to Delegate?

Learning to delegate can be  problem for many entrepreneurs and small business owners. Is your desk piled high with projects that you can’t seem to complete?  Are you feeling overwhelmed? Perhaps failing to delegate is a problem for you. A wise mentor once told us that learning to delegate is a key wealth building strategy.  You need a team to help you create the life of your dreams.  As an entrepreneur and business owner you must learn to delegate those things that don’t make you money.  If you do not learn to delegate, your business will be limited in scope to only those things that you can personally accomplish.

To create the life of your dreams you must develop the wealth making strategy of delegation.  Here are 3 tips about delegating:

(1) Learn to Delegate:  Delegation is a key strategy for maximizing your results. The Blizzard of 2016 gave us an opportunity to exercise the strategy of delegation. We had to decide whether to work on our business, i.e. preparing the next presentation. Or are one or both of us would shovel the snow from the Blizzard of 2016? Because it was a magnificent snowfall, the aftermath and clean up would be a massive undertaking. We choose to delegate the task.  We paid some local fellows about $15.00 an hour to shovel the snow from the driveway and sidewalk.  Then we turned our attention back to what makes us money and what we do best:  writing, coaching, and presenting.  That type of delegating works for us.

(2)  Examine How You Spend Your Time: Are you still doing minimum wage jobs? As a business owner you must examine how you spend your time and learn to delegate those minimum wage activities that keep you from focusing on wealth creating activities.  Every day we make an intentional decision not to involve ourselves with minimum wage activities. Therefore, we delegated the snow shoveling.

(3) Make Others Part of Your Team: What would you have done?  Would you have chosen to save the money and shovel the snow yourself? We decided to make the guys who shoveled the snow part of our team for the day! They did in two hours what would have taken us all day. We then worked on our business. Delegating works for us!

Key Lessons: The key lessons are: (1) learn to delegate; (2) examine how you spend your time; and (3) make others part of your team.  Are you making an intentional decision to delegate? Are you using your time to launch or grow your business so that you can spend more time with your family and doing the things you love?  Or are you spending time doing minimum wage jobs?  To learn more about delegating get your Free Report on Building Your Business DreamTeam.

Let us hear from you! Share how delegating has worked to help you create the life of your dreams!