We just returned from London where we launched “The Book on Investing” www.thebookoninvesting.com in the U.K. at The Ultimate Author Bootcamp www.theultimateauthorbootcamp.com.
You should have been there! You could have met the many interesting and exciting people in London like we did. Perhaps you would have enjoyed the wonderful sights and sounds of Christmas as you visited the Winter Festival in Hyde Park or shopped on Regent Street or Sloane Square!!!
Have you ever dreamed of visiting London? Perhaps you dream of owning a bigger house or creating wealth for you and your family. I challenge you to dream big and to launch the life that you want live!
Making Your Dreams Come True
Dreams won’t necessarily come true on their own, although you’d be surprised how often clarifying what you want and focusing your thinking on something is enough to make it happen. There will be lots of new things to learn and tasks to be accomplished, so it is important to establish specific goals, with deadlines, and then take the necessary actions to meet or exceed your own expectations.
Perhaps you are one of those people who absolutely hate deadlines. Do they fill you with dread and create a level of anxiety that keeps you from doing anything at all? Not to worry, when set properly a deadline is your friend in that it motivates you to move forward and provide a wonderful, satisfying measure of success.
Our early experience summarizes what we’re talking about perfectly — we had a dream, a plan, and a set of goals. Critically, we continued to take the actions needed. Now, we are fulfilling an entirely new set of big and wonderful dreams.
This process is definitely not as monumental as it sounds. By laying out a plan for yourself and continually setting attainable goals, you can have outstanding success also.
If you are interested in finding out more about a successful goal attaining system that can help you achieve your goals go to our website www.thebookoninvesting.com to get a copy of the book.