Real Estate Investing: Are You Achieving Your Goals?

As a real estate investor, are you achieving your business goals? Goals are important for every aspect of your life, but they are especially crucial when it comes to starting your own business.

They will be at the heart of all your plans and instrumental in

making strategic decisions about where and what in which to invest.

Determining your goals at the beginning of the process is

essential. One of the biggest reasons investors fail is that they

don’t have a game plan laid out. Investing based just on how much

you have at hand or in something that just comes up, is the surest

way to lose money rather than make it. Plus, without knowing where

you’re going, you’ll never know whether you are on track or whether

your projects and investments really are in line with your

long-term needs.

Goals are not to be set aside and stored for an end of year review.

We’ve found that the edge you’ll need to succeed comes from

formalizing your goals and tracking your achievements against those

goals on a regular basis. We diligently write ours monthly and

“find ourselves effortlessly achieving them” (to quote our favorite

coach Raymond Aaron,
Once you write out your goals, post them somewhere you can see them

on a regular basis to constantly remind you of all you are working

towards. Dexter keeps his goals in his office near the

computer so he can see them daily. If you do the same for both your

business and personal goals, you will see how focusing on those

every day will help you design the life that you want to live.


Now you need to work on establishing your business goals, beginning

with the big picture and working your way backwards. After that,

you need to walk through the actual process of determining exactly

what financial goals will create the lifestyle about which you are


Remember that with real estate investing as one part of your

financial plan, you can create the life of your dreams by following

a few time-proven strategies and techniques. Download your free

article on real estate investing.

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