Are You Ready for Extraordinary Success?

Dexter and Pamela Montgomery
Dexter and Pamela Montgomery

Have you ever wondered why some people are so successful and you

just can’t quite seem to reach the level of success that you

deserve and desire? I know how you feel! Well, I recently read a

fantastic book that may have the answers to your questions about

achieving an extraordinary level of success. I find that reading

business books by authors who are wildly successful inspire me and

give me a broader perspective on my business. You may want to

take 30 minutes every day to read a book that will help keep you


The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and


According to Grant Cardone, a New York Times best-selling author

and internationally recognized sales training expert, successful

people know and follow the 10X Rule. In his latest book,

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and

Failure, Cardone sets forth the principle that if you

adjust your actions and thinking to 10X levels you will guarantee

success. This very readable and exciting book is not your ordinary

business book about setting goals and achieving them. This book

sets forth a way of life that allows you to (1) create

extraordinary achievement, (2) ensure that you will keep it, and

(3) create new levels of achievement without it feeling like work.

I found it motivational, inspirational, and eye-opening. It helped

me focus on what was really important in achieving extraordinary


Are You Ready for The 10X Challenge™?

The information in this book is extremely helpful for anyone who

wants to receive greater levels of success in any area of life. I

would highly recommend it to any aspiring real estate investor or

other entrepreneur. You can find the book at

Are you ready for The 10X Challenge™? Are you ready to set gigantic

goals and take the massive action necessary to achieve those

goals? If you are ready to achieve extraordinary success, follow

my blog so that you get the latest information on how you can

achieve extraordinary success. Over the next few days, I will be

writing about some of the tips set out in The 10X Rules.


We would love to hear from you. Let us know if you plan to join us

in The 10X Challenge™. Send us an e-mail:

Remember that with real estate investing as one part of your

financial plan, you can create the life of your dreams by following

a few time-proven strategies and techniques. Download a free

article on real estate investing at: