Earlier this week I asked if you were ready to take The 10X
Challenge™. According to Grant Cardone, a New York Times
best-selling author and internationally recognized sales training
expert, successful people know and follow the 10X Rule. In his
latest book, The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and
Failure, Cardone sets forth the principle that if you adjust your
actions and thinking to 10X levels you will guarantee success.
I hope that you are ready to learn some of the tips that can lead
to your extraordinary success. But before you can reach an
extraordinary level of success, you first need to understand
What is Success?
In his highly helpful and very motivating book Cardone effectively
demonstrates that when you adjust your thinking and your actions,
you can achieve extraordinary levels of success. The 10X Rule helps
you pick the right goals and the right level of effort. Most
people are satisfied with average goals and achieve only average
outcomes. But according to Cardone, average is not good enough.
You need to adjust your thinking to dare to dream bigger than ever
you have ever imagined. Then you need to adjust your actions to
achieve those gigantic dreams.
Cardone convincingly argues that success is created—not acquired.
You may have to adjust your thinking to understand that somehow
success is not in short supply. Many people think, “if I am
successful, then you can’t be successful”. However, we each can
create our own success. Success is entirely possible for
everyone. Success is not a scarce resource or commodity that can
only be had by the highest bidder.
Are You Ready for Success?
Now that you have a better understanding of success, are you ready
for it? Can you wrap your mind around the idea that you too can be
extraordinarily successful? Are you ready to invest in that first
or tenth piece of real estate? Let us show you how!
Join The Savvy Investor Program™ today! Send us
an email at dexter@thebookoninvesting.com
Remember that with real estate investing as one part of your
financial plan, you can create the life of your dreams by following
a few time-proven strategies and techniques.